
How to Make a Perfect Cup of Palmira Gold

To make a quality cup of coffee you need to start with whole coffee beans that have been freshly roasted.  You have taken care of this by buying Palmira Gold Coffee.  We only sell whole bean coffee that is freshly roasted.  You should store the beans in a dark sealed container and do not store them in the refrigerator.  Grind the beans just before you make the cup of coffee.  If you have a simple pulse grinder, pulse the grinder for about 15 seconds and then check to see if it is the grind you want.  If it is too coarse, pulse again.  Use 2 tablespoons of the freshly ground coffee for each 6 ounces of water.  The water should be free of bad tastes and between 194 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit temperature, not at the boiling point.  A good way to brew coffee is with a simple Melita filter or a French Press.  Of course you can use your coffee maker but the water may be hotter than desirable.  If using a Melita filter, wait about 45 seconds after boiling the water before you pour it over the coffee grounds.  That’s all there is to it.  Below are links to web pages for more information about brewing the perfect cup of coffee.

Brewing The Perfect Cup of Java by Rosemary Furfaro
National Coffee Association of U.S.A methods for brewing a fine cup of coffee
Make-a-Good-Pot-of-Coffee  (video at wikiHow)
Brewing Coffee at Sweet Marias


If you have any questions about how to make a quality cup of Palmira Gold Coffee
please contact us with your questions: